
Worker Readiness™

Improving the Onboarding Experience

The Worker Readiness Service provides critical transparency into the overall onboarding process. This allows human resources and hiring managers the ability to easily monitor the onboarding stages and quickly identify, troubleshoot and clear any roadblocks that could interfere with day-one productivity for their new hires.

For Human Resources, effective onboarding of new hires reduces the effort and interruptions of HR representatives who are supporting hiring managers. The use of transparency tools gives hiring managers greater access to identifying and quickly clearing roadblocks independently, requiring less effort from human resources team members. HR teams that have used the Worker Readiness service find their efficiency improved by not having to spend additional time working with hiring managers to onboard new employees.

For most hiring managers, the hiring process is a task only undertaken when the need arises, interrupting regular work schedules and impacting productivity. Hiring managers that have access to tools that provide daily insight into the onboarding process experience higher productivity during onboarding due to fewer interruptions, experience enhanced productivity from an employee that can contribute quickly and improve the overall experience of their new hire which can contribute to increased retention. Our intervention team works behind the scenes often identifying and resolving issues before the hiring manager notices it occurs.

New hires experience a better onboarding experience, making them feel like a respected member of the Siemens family from day-one while ensuring they are productive and contributing within days of starting. With smooth onboarding they have earlier access to pay and benefits.

Worker Readiness by the Numbers

Learn how the Worker Readiness program can help your onboarding efforts when you contact