GBS Global

Maximizing sales potential with a global partner

Modern Sales in a Digital Era

Siemens Global Business Services (GBS) assists customers along each stage of their sales journey: its extensive end-to-end portfolio covers all aspects of sales support, from initial interest to after-sales care. Customers can use the entire sales service or choose individual components to suit their needs. The results speak for themselves!

Effective sales go beyond simply reaching out to potential customers one by one. But what exactly does it take in today's digital age? The GBS Opportunity-to-Cash (O2C) Sales Services team understands the intricacies of modern sales in the digital era. They collaborate closely with Siemens' business units (BUs) to help them attain their growth objectives by streamlining and enhancing their sales operations.

This collaborative approach makes GBS Sales Services a strong partner along every step of the customer's sales journey. A team of experts is available around the clock to cater to the unique needs of each BU, either with comprehensive end-to-end (E2E) support for a specific market segment or individual sales processes like lead generation.

Read more about how Siemens GBS optimizes the sales journey the Inside GBS magazine. (Page 19)

Interested in learning more about our Opportunity-to-Cash services? Visit Access GBS today.